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All students are required to complete a job shadow experience and Job Shadow Report by the end of January of their senior year but should be completed during the junior year.  The Job Shadowing experience promotes personal growth, strengthens possible career choices, and enhances career readiness.  

Student Guidelines

General Information:

  • Placement should relate to your possible future career

  • Experience must be at least 5 hours in length

  • Experience will count as an excused absence upon return with a written excuse (on letterhead)

  • Placement cannot be within our schools, with a family member, or recent graduate (within‪ 5 years)

  • Professional appearance

  • ‪Positive attitude


Day of Shadowing:

  • ‪Camera, take pictures of your experience (with permission)

  • ‪Professional appearance (No jeans)

  • ‪Positive attitude

  • ‪Lunch

Tips for Success:

  • Be prompt

  • Be pleasant

  • Be reliable

  • Be respectful

  • Ask questions

Types of Questions to Ask:

  • How did high school prepare you for this career?

  • How did you get started on this path?

  • What education/training is necessary to pursue this field?

  • Do you work in teams? How so?

  • What computer skills are needed for this career?

  • What problem solving skills are used in this career?

  • Are there other specific skills needed for this career?

  • What does the market look like for this career in the next 5-10 years?

  • What are the typical hours and pay scale for this field?

  • What do you like most/least about your job?


Job Shadow Reflection

At the conclusion of your job shadowing experience, you will complete a reflection and place it in your E-Portfolio, in preparation for your exit interview. The reflection should consist of two paragraphs, click here for the Job Shadow Reflection Form.  PDF form - WORD form

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