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  • To encourage student self-evaluation and goal setting as seniors transition to higher education, to career/workplace, and/or to military service.

  • To provide formal resume writing and interview experience.

  • To allow seniors to reflect on their Allegheny Valley education and achieve closure to their high school experience.

  • To present staff/community interviewers an opportunity to gain insight to the accomplishments of high school seniors as well as their hopes and plans for the future.

  • To provide the school with feedback regarding school improvement.


On the Day of the Interview:


  • Report to the interview site at least fifteen minutes prior to your interview time.

  • Students will start with their 5-7 minute presentation followed by interview questions from the panel.

  • Come prepared to present yourself as a professional young adult from start to finish.

  • The Exit Interview will be approximately 25 minutes in length.

  • As with all interviews, you should dress in a businesslike manner. Clothes should be in good condition, wrinkle-free, and work-place appropriate.

    • Females: A suit, professional dress, or slacks/skirt (fingertip length) with a conservative blouse, dress shoes (no sandals), minimal jewelry, no visible tattoos

    • Males: Suit or dress slacks, dress shirt, and tie, dark socks, dress shoes, no visible tattoos or piercings

    • Keep make-up and perfume/body spray to a minimum.


Helpful Hints:


  • Listen to what is really being asked

  • Answer all questions that are asked of you

  • Be mindful of what you say

  • Be yourself and sincere

  • Be friendly

  • Be responsive


Exit Interview Rubric (click to view)


Interview Resources Articles:

Below you will find helpful information regarding the interview process.


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